- Navigate to your sub-teams home page via the LHS navigation bar.
- Select the 'Page Actions' icon in the top right corner (on the black tool bar), then click 'Edit'
- Paste the following into the code on the left hand side, underneath the relevant heading. This creates a styled hyperlink to the new page we are creating.
- [Page Name *Page description*](/home/subteam/page-name)
Replace the placeholders, and ensure the new code matches the other links (eg. use hyphens in the URL, subteam name matches exactly).
- Click Save, then Close on the top toolbar.
- Scroll down to the new link you have created (check it looks right!) and click on it. You will be directed a to a 'this page does not exist' screen
- Click + Create Page and select Markdown as the editor.
- You're ready to go! Edit the page as per this guide.